TCNJ students taking courses abroad through the Arlotto Family Center for Global Engagement are generally eligible to receive financial assistance through TCNJ. Students who plan to study abroad are encouraged to submit all required financial aid documents, including loan promissory notes, as early as possible to assure that all processes have been completed.
All course work taken abroad is subject to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that a full-time course load is successfully completed and that all credits from the host institution are posted to their TCNJ transcript by the end of the first semester after returning to TCNJ.
For example, if you are studying abroad in the fall semester and returning to TCNJ for the spring semester, your grades from the host institution must be posted to your TCNJ transcript by the end of the next fall semester. Any student whose grades are not posted by the deadline or who did not make satisfactory academic progress will have subsequent financial assistance cancelled and will be required to immediately repay any financial assistance received for the current academic year.
Power of Attorney
Students taking courses abroad may have financial aid information that needs to be processed and/or forms that need to be signed. To ensure your TCNJ student account information is processed in a timely manner, we recommend that you obtain a Power of Attorney document. This document will allow the individual to conduct business on your behalf while you are abroad.
State and Institutional Aid Recipients
Study Abroad students who are also State aid recipients (TAG, EOF, GUS, NJSTARS, etc.) or Institutional aid recipients (PROMISE, etc.) will lose their eligibility for these programs if they fail to enroll in an eligible Study Abroad program. Please refer to the Financial Aid Study Abroad Checklist for eligible programs. TCNJ will not be financially responsible for students who incorrectly enroll in an ineligible program.
Refund Process
Students who are participating in study abroad and are eligible for a refund will receive their funds at the earliest two weeks after the start of the semester. The Office of Student Accounts processes these refunds for disbursement.
Questions regarding the refunds should be directed to the Office of Student Accounts (609) 771-3179.
For more information regarding financial aid eligibility for study abroad, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
For information about individual study abroad programs, contact the A. Family Center for Global Engagement, (609) 771-2596.