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Financial Aid Award Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of your financial aid award indicates that you agree to comply with the rules and regulations that govern the programs for aid as well as the policies of this institution. Your award is subject to change if corrections or revisions are made to the information you provided on your applications for aid.

Additional Assistance

If you receive additional funds not listed on your Award Notice (scholarships, departmental awards, etc.) federal regulations require you to report them immediately to the Financial Aid Office. Your aid may be adjusted as a result of these funds. You will be notified of any resulting changes in your eligibility for assistance. Learn how to report any outside aid.

Previously Received Title IV Aid

You must not be in default on any federal educational loans or owe any refunds on federal grants received at any post-secondary institution to receive federal student aid.

Use of Funds

Funds received through financial assistance programs may only be used for educationally-related expenses incurred for the academic year. All federal aid (with the exception of FWS) will be applied directly to your institutional charges, which may include: tuition, fees, housing and other allowable charges. Funds in excess of these charges will be paid to you within 14 days of the existing credit balance, unless otherwise authorized by you in writing.

Enrollment Requirements

Generally, you must be enrolled at least half-time as a regular student in an eligible program to receive financial aid. Because aid programs can have varying status requirements, be sure to check your awards for their minimum enrollment status requirements.


Withdrawal from coursework may jeopardize your current and future financial aid eligibility. If you withdraw or are asked to withdraw, you must inform the Financial Aid Office immediately. Depending on the length of your enrollment for the academic period, you may be required to repay all or part of the aid you received and are ultimately responsible for the payment of the balance on your student account bill.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the measure of a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a certificate or degree. Federal regulations require schools to monitor cumulative grade point average and the percentage of coursework completed at least once a year. Students who fail to achieve minimum standards may lose their eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid programs.


Office of Financial Aid
Green Hall, Room 101
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628
Tel. 609.771.2211
Fax. 609.637.5154

Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Monday through Friday

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