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Private Scholarship Awards

Students are required to report yearly award amounts and descriptions of any grants and/or scholarships received from sources outside of The College of New Jersey. This is a federal student aid requirement.

After you have reported the grant/scholarship(s) on this website, please allow 5-7 business days for the award to appear on your award summary in PAWS. The reporting instructions are at the bottom of this webpage.

If you are receiving a scholarship from any of the following entities listed below, please do not report them on this site, we will receive the information directly from the entity. Please note this may take several weeks, you should reach out directly to them to confirm when the funds will be sent and/or if you have any questions about the awards. Please plan your bill payment accordingly based on the arrival of these funds to the College.

National Guard

Veterans Administration Benefits

Vocational Rehabilitation

NJ Best




Cooperman Scholars Foundation


Additionally, there are external scholarships or tuition remission awards from colleges/universities that can be reported but will not be posted prior to the College’s billing cycle in July for the upcoming academic year.

Any checks mailed directly to the student should be forwarded to:

The College of New Jersey
Office of Student Accounts
PO Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

Please note; the Office of Student Accounts is a separate office from the Financial Aid Office. They handle all billing, payments, refunds, etc.

If applicable, checks can be dropped off in person at the Office of Student Accounts in Green Hall, Room 119.


It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that any private scholarship funds reported to the Financial Aid Office, through this website, arrive at the College within 30 days from the beginning of the semester. If the funds do not arrive in a timely fashion and this creates a balance due on the student’s account, the student will be responsible for any late fines, penalties and potential deregistration. The Office of Student Accounts can provide more information if needed.

The student’s name and TCNJ ID should be included with all check submissions.

Please Note: Private scholarships may only be reported using the navigation listed below, on a Desktop or Laptop computer. The reporting tool is not supported by cell phones.

To report private scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year, log into your PAWS account, click on the Financial Aid tile and then select “Report Private Scholarship.” Enter the name of the Scholarship, the name of the donor of the Scholarship (if different from the name of the Scholarship) and the amount of the scholarship. There is a place to provide additional information about the scholarship if necessary. If you have contact information for the donor, please use that space to give their name and phone number, email address or mailing address. Please read the instructions on the form to ensure that the process will go smoothly.

TCNJ Policy states that if a private scholarship award is $1000 or more, that amount is split between the Fall and Spring semesters. Therefore, a $1000 scholarship would be applied $500 to the Fall semester and $500 to the Spring semester unless indicated otherwise in writing from the donor. If a private scholarship is less than $1000, it will be entirely applied to the Fall semester unless otherwise indicated in writing from the donor.

Outside Private Scholarships

There are entities that have alerted TCNJ of potential outside private scholarship opportunities. Please click here for a list of private scholarships offered by these outside entities. Please note that we have no direct involvement in the scholarship selections but will periodically update this list for students to identify potential scholarship opportunities. Additionally, based on the U.S Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision of June 2023, the College cannot post outside private scholarship opportunities for certain entities.


Office of Financial Aid
Green Hall, Room 101
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628
Tel. 609.771.2211
Fax. 609.637.5154

Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Monday through Friday

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